Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


Uncategorized Jun 28, 2021

Hey Maker!

"Hope is... an alternative to the certainty of both optimists and pessimists. Optimists think it will all be fine without our involvement; pessimists take the opposite position; both excuse themselves from acting. [Hope is] the belief that what we do matters even though how and when it may matter, who and what it may impact, are not things we can know beforehand. We may not, in fact, know them afterward either, but they matter all the same..."
Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark"
This quote is from one of my favorite books by Rebecca Solnit. She talks about the wild possibilities available to us when we maintain hope. When we rise to the occasion and show up in any way that we can.
Allow this to be your reminder that it is always enough to show up as you are. We may not know how our actions impact change and the world around us, but they always do. Place one hand on your heart and the other hand on top. Breathe into this space and imagine what you can do today that...
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Uncategorized Jun 21, 2021

 Hey Maker!

"There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person." - Rumer Godden
Today we invite you to do some Spring cleaning a little differently than you may think! Start off your week by visiting all 4 rooms mentioned in this quote by Rumer Godden. 
How can you physically move your body today? Maybe look back at some of the Movement tips Missy has shared or use your favorite self-care tools! Remember, moving your body can be as simple as changing your position right now! 
Have you taken a mental break for yourself recently? Take a moment to look away from your devices and to allow your mind to wander... it may even wander to your grocery list or to do list- that is perfectly fine! Allow the thoughts to come and go freely with obser...
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Uncategorized Jun 18, 2021

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Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and I would love if you decided to use them! Affiliate links + referrals programs help educators like me to fund the free content that we provide on our blogs & podcasts.

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Uncategorized Jun 14, 2021

Hey Maker! 

I came across this quote and had to share it with you!

"Don't Speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn't know the difference. Works are energy and cast spells, that's why it's called spelling." -Bruce Lee

I love this play on the word spelling. The idea that our words have meaning, especially for ourselves and in our bodies. 

It is common to hear people say "my body is failing me" or "my body is broken". More importantly, it is more than common to feel this way! One of my greatest learnings from one of my teachers is that we think our body fails us, but in actuality, we often fail our bodies. Which sounds daunting, but in reality it gives us agency to have a greater relationship with our bodies and the ability to easily create lasting change.

The words "my body is failing me" are heavy and usually leave us feeling stuck and even helpless. When we change the narrative to "how am I failing my body?" we take back our power to take care of our most i...

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Uncategorized Jun 11, 2021

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Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and I would love if you decided to use them! Affiliate links + referrals programs help educators like me to fund the free content that we provide on our blogs & podcasts.

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Uncategorized Jun 09, 2021

Hey Maker!

I am so excited to offer a new workshop series I'm teaching virtually at Metalwerx!

Working at the bench can be taxing on the body. The way you move in your studio impacts how you feel. This workshop series is designed to teach you how to understand your common movements in the jewelry studio. Each session will be a mix of lecture and physical movements that target a specific area of the body and jewelry making practice. By the end of the course you will be ready to transform your studio practice! Are you ready? Get your ticket!


June 23 -July 7, 2021

Weekly on Wednesday


6:00 PM -7:00 PM


3 weeks


All Levels


Virtual - Eastern Time Zone




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Uncategorized Jun 07, 2021
"A single hand movement can involve as many as fifty muscles working together in concert. Even more impressive, the powerful and delicate movements of fingers are purely the result of transferred force. There are no muscles in the fingers (otherwise they would enlarge to a bulky and unwieldy size); tendons transfer strength from the muscles in the forearm." 
The Gift of Pain by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey 
Fifty muscles?! Wow! How many of you work endless hours with your hands? These are most likely your greatest tools and they were free! They can easily go unnoticed as something that requires consistent care and 'maintenance' because we paid no money for them and they are seemingly smaller than, say, a thigh.
I love this quote because it perfectly depicts why when our hands hurt, our wrists also hurt and so do our forearms. The action of working with our hands is not an isolated movement, it calls upon the muscles in the surrounding area for back up. When we take care of...
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Uncategorized Jun 01, 2021

Hey Maker!

I wanted to introduce myself as I will be posting regularly in the Mindful Makers Forum and now on the blog! Some of you may know me, but I am Missy's assistant and aid in any and all things Wellness for Makers. I also consider her the dearest of friends. We met through yoga and received our E-RYT 500 together! 
I graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Science in Fashion Merchandising and a minor in Business Administration. I have always loved to create, especially in the realm of textiles, movement of the body, or through my writing. I also grew up a mover. I was a college athlete and 10+ years a dancer but soon found myself stuck in the sedentary life, stress, and lull of corporate NYC Fashion. Yoga was my solace. A reconnection to my aching body as well as my love for movement and the fluid creative process. I dove into teacher training over the course of 2 years, attended 2 Anatomy Cadaver Lab trips and reclaimed my love for ongoing le
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Uncategorized May 24, 2021
Wellness for Makers

Hey Maker!

As artists, we can probably all relate to this idea of being stolen from and agree that it never feels good. In this powerful episode with the honorable Susanna Barkataki, we further unpack what this feeling can mean in regards to cultural appropriation and learn how we can combat the erasure of people from whom sacred traditions come from. 

Susanna is an author and Indian yoga practitioner in the Hatha yoga tradition. She supports practitioners to lead with equity, diversity, and yogic values while growing thriving practices and businesses with confidence. She has an Honors degree in Philosophy from UC Berkeley, a Masters in Education from Cambridge College, she is an E-RYT 500 and a Certified Yoga Therapist with International Association of Yoga Therapists (C-IAYT).. And it does not stop there! She is also the founder of Ignite Yoga & Wellness Institute and runs 200/500 Yoga Teacher Training programs. To top it off, in November 2020 she went on to be the author of #1 New...

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Uncategorized May 07, 2021
Wellness for Makers

Hey Maker! 

I know I am lucky to have a partner and support system that truly understands my vision wholeheartedly. For those of you who may not be in the same boat and struggle for the same support, I see you, hear you, and have definitely been there.

May this episode serve as a pep talk... a reminder to keep going. It can be hard but you and your work are worth it.  




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