Hey Maker!
Do you want to protect the creations that you make? I hope you do! You work hard, Maker, so your artistry deserves to be protected! Nicole Swartz is an attorney, maker, and entrepreneur that works to help creatives just like us preserve our hard work. She has her own law firm dedicated to women entrepreneurs called Sprout Law. Nikki helped me trademark Wellness for Makers® and so much more!
Nicole started as a corporate attorney. She attended Tulane Law School and then worked at the Securities and Exchange commission. She shares quite the interesting plot twist to her story, however, when she tells us that she soon started her own skincare company! During this fascinating journey, she learned how to build a brand that could utilize her law degree in a way that helps women entrepreneurs and makers.
Though this may not seem like your average Wellness for Makers® podcast episode, it is an important one. We may not be talking about the wellbeing of your body outright but w...
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