Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


podcast Dec 09, 2020

Hey Maker! 


This week we have Chloe Benjamin on the show! She is a A NY Times Bestseller, author of The Immortalists & The Anatomy of Dreams (which received the Edna Ferber Fiction Book Award), and an avid knitter. Her works have even been translated in over thirty languages! 


Chloe is originally from San Francisco, CA. She has always had a passion for the arts with writing being her constant love. In college she dove deeper into this and ultimately went on to become a graduate of Vassar College and earned her M.F.A. in Fiction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2014, she published The Anatomy of Dreams and in 2018 she published The Immortalists. In addition, Chloe has always found solace in her time spent knitting. She combined both of these arts and wrote an article titled “If Knitting is Causing You Pain, Read This” (be sure to check it out!). 


In this episode, we have an honest conversation with Chloe about both of these passions: writing and knitting. She offers advice to aspiring writers, acknowledging  that although she has seen success in both of her books, she did experience times of rejection. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of listening to your body while doing the thing that you love. She poignantly notes that we tend to talk about the beauty found in art and avoid the important topic of pain that may coincide. 


Chloe’s resounding message is one of optimism, reminding us all that there is hope when it seems like you have hit rock bottom. She encourages listeners to listen to their bodies and minds in order to better understand their true selves and avoid the fine line between hustle and burnout. Lastly, she mentions some special Indie Bookstores that you will not want to miss!


Tune in to learn about where you can find Chloe, her books, and her different offerings! 






Chloe's Website

Chloe's Instagram

“If Knitting is Causing You Pain, Read This” by Chloe Benjamin 

Green Apple Books - San Francisco, CA

Boswell Book Company - Milwaukee, WI 

Want to find and support a local indie bookstore near you? Check out the website IndieBound!


Special thanks to Vacationland Music Company for creating the intro and the outro of the Wellness for Makers Podcast. 

Vacationland Music Company Instagram: 


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