Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


Uncategorized Nov 05, 2020

Hey Maker!


I often get asked, “what chair is the right chair for my studio practice?”. Have you considered this question? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this episode we have the creator of Soul Seat, Pack Matthews, with us. Pack is the founder of Ikaria Design Company and the Maker of Soul Seat. He is a designer and true advocate for movement. 

Pack comes from a family history of arthritis. He is no stranger to potential ailments in the body, so he began teaching Kripalu yoga to combat this potentially detrimental lifestyle. Eventually, he started looking deeper into progressing his own business as well as finding more methodology for wellness, especially in regards to sitting. Cue, Soul Seat! The Soul Seat is a bi-level chair designed to help you increase variety in your movements while working. The goal of the Soul Seat is to alleviate chronic pain caused by a sedentary lifestyle and to get you moving. 

Pack is also known for his TED Talk “Sitting Is The New Smoking”; he is a musician, father, and grandfather to be! I am excited to share this episode with you and I know that every Maker that tunes in can take away important tips for their practice. Did we mention he has comfortably transitioned to sleeping on the floor instead of a mattress? You won’t want to miss this intriguing and profound conversation! 

GET 15% off your Soul Seat purchase with the Promo Code: WELLNESSFORMAKERS 



Visit the Website: Soul Seat by Ikaria Design Company 

Watch â€śSitting is the New Smoking” TED Talk 

Check out Soul Seat's Twitter and Instagram 

Special thanks to Vacationland Music Company for creating the intro and the outro of the Wellness for Makers® Podcast.





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