Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


Hey Maker!

Do you have trouble sleeping after a long day of making… ever consider a bedtime story as a grown-up? Well- this week’s guest, Candace Rose Rardon along with the popular meditation app, Calm, have just the fix. Rardon is a writer, illustrator and visual storyteller who writes grown up bedtime travel tales for Calm’s Sleep Stories! 

Rardon’s journey begins as a travel writer turned travel sketcher. She earned her Master’s in travel writing with distinction from London’s Kingston University and then made the decision to start traveling with a sketchbook and a single set of watercolors. She has organically combined these 2 passions into one in order to create the ultimate storytelling experience. Especially through her grown up travel bedtime stories with Calm, where she helps you transition to sleep and quiet your mind. She has also had artist residencies with Google and Uber while she completed breathtaking murals for both companies. Oh- and did we mention that she is also coming out with a book for her fellow tea lovers?!

Take a journey with us as we listen to Candace share her own voyages across the world and through life! We gain insightful tips to maintain a sense of calm within our heart, mind, and body. We also get the treat of Candace sharing one of her very own sleep stories with us! You won’t want to miss this. 



Websites: /  

Instagram: @candaceroserardon


Special thanks to Vacationland Music Company for creating the intro and the outro of the Wellness for Makers Podcast. 





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