Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


Uncategorized Apr 06, 2022


Hey Maker!

Happy to share that the newest member of the Wellness for Makers team arrived in January 😍. As I have been a bit slower to respond to your wonderful messages and emails, I still have some awesome content coming your way! Until then, check out our other newest addition, an Amazon Page. Here you can find links to some of my favorite wellness tools and you can even preorder my book coming out the end of June (along with some of my favorite must-have reads!) 📕  

"Wellness for Makers: A Movement Guide for Artists" is a helpful guide to teach you that your body is your most valuable tool, and it will truly empower you to create more-healthful movement patterns that build strength and longevity. I know the challenges that makers face in finding time to focus on their body rather than their creations.  The repetitive tasks that artists and crafters take on every day can lead to strain injuries and pain. By following the 40+ exercises outlined in this book (with detailed photos 🥳), you will learn the best ways to sit, stand, walk, and lift to reduce your risk of injury, relieve pain and strain, and improve your posture and overall well-being. Use this as a resource to learn the actions, movements, and best practices that will allow you to move in a way that strengthens and repairs your body.

As always, thanks so much for supporting my content. It means so much to me and my fam 😘




Wellness for Makers Amazon Page:


Disclaimer: The affiliate links provided do help support me and my family, however, I only put my name behind products or services I trust and use. 


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