Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


podcast Dec 19, 2020

Hey Maker! 

We are excited to have John Furniss, “The Blind Woodsman” on the show! His story is filled with adversity, resilience and strength. At the age of 16, he survived a suicide attempt and then learned how to navigate the world through total blindness. John also overcame years of battling addiction. Today this story fuels his artistic woodworking and serves as a beacon of light and hope in his motivational speeches. He most recently was a speaker for VANTalks at Kiggins Theatre!  

John has always been interested in working with his hands. He eventually went to the School for the Blind in Salt Lake City, Utah; this is where he found his love for wood shop, a gift he shares with the world. He tells us all about adaptive woodworking skills and how he maintains his studio practice. He has also attended the Emil Fries School of Piano Technology for the Blind, where his beautiful love story with Anni Furniss began! They now reside in the Pacific Northwest with their fur child named Pickle! 

John reminds us that all things change eventually, the good and the bad, and that it might even take a long time. He urges us all to hold on, reach out, and seek help when we need it. He also serves as inspiration and living proof that you can turn things around, find what you love, and lose yourself in something positive. Overall, John says his journey has let him see the world in a different way, a way that he hopes to share with all of us! 

*This has been a difficult time for many. If you or someone you know needs to be heard and supported, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255. You are never alone. I believe that YOU are already a beautiful success.*




John & Anni Furniss Website


John Furniss with VANTalks at the Kiggins Theatre

Special thanks to Vacationland Music Company for creating the intro and the outro of the Wellness for Makers Podcast. 

Vacationland Music Company Instagram:


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