Giving Tuesday is here! I thought it would be a great opportunity to tell you all about some of the incredible organizations I know and love. These non-profit organizations are doing what they can to uplift the art community and inspire others. I am honored to have had the opportunity to connect with each of them through the Wellness for Makers Podcast. Which organizations are you supporting this year? Feel free to respond to this email and let me know. Together we can create positive change!
Womanly Magazine provides accessible health information to women and non-binary people through visual and literary art. Through their print and digital content, they lift up narratives that are often neglected by the typical womenโs magazine. I love reading their magazine and know you will too! Tune into the Wellness for Makers Podcast to hear my conversation with Cheyenne Diaz to learn more about what Womanly is up to!
CERF+ is an incredible organization who's goal is to help prepare artists and offer emergency relief support in times of need. I've personally had the opportunity to work with CERF+ by speaking at their educational programs, collaborating on a self-care video series, and I've even received one of their Get Ready Grants to purchase a ventilation system for my studio. I know from personal experience that they are here to help! Tune in to the Wellness for Makers Podcast as Carrie Cleveland shares some insightful stories to reflect on and consider the importance of an organization such as CERF+.
Crafting the Future works together and combines resources to support the careers of young, underrepresented artists by connecting them to opportunities that will help them thrive. They have existing participants across the country and partnering organizations in Louisiana (YAYA), Kentucky (STEAM Exchange), North Carolina (Penland School of Craft), and Maine (Haystack Mountain School of Crafts). I love what Crafting the Future is doing to impact our youth and change the future of craft as we know it! Tune in to find out how you can get involved and learn how you can make a difference in your very own community.
Thank you so much for reading my content and supporting my small business. It means so much to me! ๐
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