Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


Uncategorized Jan 15, 2021

Hey Maker!

I know how challenging it can be to carve out time, space, and finances for self-care, but movement breaks are critical for learning to create longevity in the body. The good news is that even moving a few minutes a day can help create lasting change. That's why I created the Mindful Maker Membership! A platform for makers, like you, to gain access to weekly Movement Break videos, breathing exercises, exclusive events, and more!

This virtual wellness space is open to all makers regardless of size, race, religion, age, orientation, gender, or ability. To support BIPOC artists during the COVID-19 crisis and fight systemic racism and barriers in the wellness industry, Wellness for Makers is offering 5 scholarships to BIPOC makers. Each scholarship recipient will gain access to a 1 year subscription to the Mindful Maker Membership!  Application Deadline: Jan 30th.

Click here to apply! 




50% Complete

Two Step

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