Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


Uncategorized May 07, 2021
Wellness for Makers

In this episode I am so excited to introduce my incredible friend and mentor, Heidi Lowe!

Heidi is a life long artist, jeweler, educator, and life and business coach. She is also the owner of Heidi Lowe Gallery. I personally worked as a summer intern for Heidi while I was in grad school and I seriously loved every moment. Not only did I learn more about running a gallery, business, and living a life as a jeweler, but it also inspired me to dive deep and do some inner work. Heidi always asks the best questions to help identify what is holding you back in your creative journey. 


In this episode we learn more about how Heidi teaches makers like you how to do the inner work required to create the financial freedom you desire. She also urges us to sit and reflect within the difficult moments of our lives in order to focus better on ourselves and our personal needs. She asks us to shift the narrative inside of ourselves in order to succeed and sometimes, she says, the answers are within the silence. The beautiful take away is to stand in the success that you are by just existing and being who you are. 


Check out Heidi Lowe Gallery

Find out what Abundance for Creatives is all about! 

Book a 1 on 1 with Heidi

Heidi Lowe's Instagram


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